01. Trust chief engineer's knowledge and
experience! 다방면의 지식, 경험과 네트워크를 보유한 URC Service!
Leader of the URC Service has worked distinguished industrial companies and research institutes like electric power, iron and steel-making, engineering and construction, university and nondestructive inspection areas.
URC Service의 leading 인력은 유수의 전력사, 철강사, 건설사, 대학, 비파괴검사업체, 연구기관 등에서 근무하며 다양한 경험을 보유하고 있습니다.
02. Strong human network with interdisciplinary
research and business. 학제간 연구개발 및 사업추진 인적 네트워크!
Leading researcher has established rigid cooperation networks among experts with interdisciplinary research and business works.
URC Service의 leading 인력은 학제간 연구개발과 사업 추진으로 다양한 분야의 전문가들과 강력한 인적 네트워크를 확보하고 있습니다.
[Chief researcher's profile ]
working at nondestructive testing and enegieering company and also adjunct professor at Myongji Univ.
worked at Kyungbuk National University (KNU), POSCO E&C, POSCO, Daewoo Institute of Advanced Engineering (IAE), Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).
- expertise in R&D, Consulting and New Business on nuclear engineering, NDT&E and Metallurgy.
postdoctoral fellow at Queen's Univ. in 1998
- applied magnetics and NDE -
Ph.D in 1994 and MS in 1987 at KAIST
- nuclear engineering and NDE -
BS at Seoul National University in 1985
- metallurgical engineering
Professional engineers in both nondestructive testing and radiation management, as well as licensed experts in nuclear engineering, metallic materials, heat management, and radioisotope (RI) handling.