Solution Provider
for Your Business & Technology
Strategy and Planning Division
(신기술 및 신사업 전략기획 부문)
Planning of R&D strategy
Planning of new business strategy
Open innovation and expert connection
Research and Development Areas
(연구소 및 현장 기술개발 부분)
Insight for identifying R&D themes
Collaboration and cooperation on R&D projects
Technical paper and data investigation
Electric Power Generation Plants
(원자력, 천연가스복합발전, 연료전지, 신재생발전 등)
Small modular reactors (SMR) and high temperature gas cooled reactor (VHTR)
Nuclear power plant (NPP) and dismantling process of aged NPP
Radiation management, shield, protection and assessment
Natural gas combined cycle power plant, Repowering and rehabilitation
Fuel cell, wind mill, kalina cycle with mid & low temperature waste heat
Iron and Steel-making Works
(제철 공정 및 제품)
Iron and steel-making process to reduce green house gas emission
Plate, coils and wire products, ferrous amorphous ribbon and its application
Hydrogen metallurgy for environment protection
Asset Health and Safety Assurance
(설비 건전성 평가 및 확보)
Consulting of the most suitable nondestructive evaluation techniques
State of the art sensor technology for NDT
On-line measurements and control
Third party inspection